Tycoon ビデオブリーフィング翻訳

  • 発言者:Rufus Thorne
We have been observing your activities in this sector with great interest, even if you did choose the wrong side initially. But it's still not too late! Global Trust would like to make you an offer.


You will by now have experienced the incredible inefficiency of the Eden Initiative's so-called Green Tech at first hand.


We have faith in your outstanding skills. and offering you authorized access to all plans! Global Trust wants to help you!


We rely on tried-and-tested Production methods and our exceptional economic strength. In addition, Global Trust has unlimited access to the world's most important natural Resource deposits.


Of course. that won't please everyone. and some will quickly resort to violence. But have no fear. Global Trust solves problems... Using the appropriate level of force. if necessary.


Our strength is due primarily to our brilliant CEO.Skylar Banes; she has led Global Trust to become the world leader, and ensures that we stay on top.

当社の強みは、主に私たちの光り輝くCEO、Skylar Banesにあるといえる。彼女は世界のリーダーとなる事を目標にグローバル・トラストを率いている。我々は優位に立ち続けることを保障するだろう。

If you would like access to our Technologies. just reach out and become part of the Global Trust family. I promise you Won't regret it.



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最終更新:2012年06月02日 18:53