発言者:Professor Dr. Salman Devi

Greetings. And congratulation on your handling of that border conflict between the Eden Initiative and Global Trust. S.A.A.T. decided to remain neutral in this case, but is no stranger to ideological struggles. Some time ago, I got into an argument with Hiro Ebashi, one of our top researchers, about a budgetary shift toweards profitable military research.

As a result, Ebashi-san has left the academy and has founded his own reserch institute, E.T.O... in an underwater base close to a vocanic fissure. You see, he is reserching geothermic energy. And deep down in the trenches, magma can be easier accessed. Oh, and yes, the process is likely less dangerous to the general populace.

He has been working on a viable method to create energy from underwater volcanos for some time now. He had faith in this project from the beginning, and always claimed that this new energy source could be the solution to most of the world's problem. Well... Recently, he has achieved a breakthrough in his reserach.

After considering his limited resorces, he was reasonable enough to contact me. I have been allowed to examine his calculations, and they seem solid so far. As a proof of concept, Ebashi-san requested we construct a prototype in actual scale. And I want you to help us with this project.

You will be on site to handle the day-to-day operations. Set up the required personnel, provide them with everything they request and do the odd jobs for Hiro Ebashi and me. And remenber: This is a top-secret operation. If we succeed, it will change the world forever.


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最終更新:2012年09月22日 10:11