

4Chanで立てた安楽死スレ」(2013/07/02 (火) 18:09:19) の最新版変更点



4chanのintにスレ立てて安楽死について聞いた。 ログが消えるということを知らなかったため国名について最初の数レスしかメモしてなかった。でもエストニア、アメリカ、ロシアの人はいたと思う。 関係なさげなレスは削ってここに記録。訳は非常に怪しいので気をつけて。 Euthanasia T 07/01/13(Mon)12:55 No.12383099 How do you think of euthanasia? If possible please add some info like your religion or age. (安楽死についてどう思ってる? できたら宗教とか年齢も一緒に) Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)12:57 No.12383159 スペイン >Euthanasia I am Ok with it.(いいと思う) >Religion Atheist(無神論者) >Age 22 Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)12:59 No.12383236 メキシコ >Euthanasia Sure why not?(そりゃもちろん) >Religion Atheist(無神論者) >Age 22 Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)12:59 No.12383248 アルゼンチン 1. It's bad(悪いことだよ) 2. Jewish(ユダヤ教) 3. 21 feel all night , feel all day 07/01/13(Mon)13:01 No.12383315 インド >euthanasia ok but must stop bored youth who do not deserve it from suiciding(いいと思うけど、人生にうんざりした若者の自殺は止めないとね) >religion dont care(ないよ) >age something Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)13:06 No.12383445 イギリス >euthanasia Ok with it if it's reserved for the elderly, the infirm, those in intense suffering and with no way of going back to even a semblance of whatever life was like prior their incident, to go out with dignity instead of hooked up to life support for the sake of keeping them alive.(年配者、老齢で虚弱な人、激しく苦しんでいる人、そして以前の彼らの出来事であったような人生の外観、徒らに生命維持装置に繋がれる代わりに、尊厳を持って外出することにさえ戻る方法がない人のためならあっていいと思う) Otherwise not for the regular joe to just wander in and say 'kill me'. Many people go through tumultuous times in their lives, depression, feelings of suicide but these things for a lot of people do tend to be transient and if they decide to live longer they might just make it out (of course I'm restricting this to spoilt first world brats and the like). It's better not to make something that would be so regretful open to people not in a proper state of mind who haven't sought guidance or counsel. Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)13:16 No.12383720 It's a humane thing to do when all else fail.(”安楽死以外の”他の全部が失敗した人にとって思いやりがあることだ) Catholic(カトリック) 20 Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)13:17 No.12383752 >Euthanasia Good shit. Everyone should be allowed to die when they please, and go with some comfort and dignity.(良いことだよ。みんなそれぞれが望むときに死ぬのを許されるべきなんだ。そして慰めと尊厳を持って行く) >Religion No religion, no superstition(宗教も俗信もない) >Age 26 Too many people in the world anyway. Let your average loser end it, I don't care. Seriously, human life is worth less as we become more numerous.(なんにせよ世界には人が多すぎる。普通の敗者には"人生を"終わらせてやろうよ。俺は気にしないよ。本気で、こんだけたくさんいたら人間の命なんて価値ないよ) Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)13:20 No.12383847 >euthanasia slippery slopes everywhere... nothing good can come out of it because the people who are agonizing have the opportunity of suicide, so they don't really need it, and the people who are in a permacoma or something similar can't tell the difference anyway so why bother with them... it's difficult... and prone to abuse(至るところに滑りやすい斜面”論理問題の名前?”……良いものはそれから出てこない。だって苦しんでいる人々には自殺する機会があるから、彼らは本当には安楽死を必要としていない。そしてpermacoma”寝たきり?”だったり、なんにせよ違いを伝えることの出来ないそういう状態が苦しむ理由になる人。それは難しいね……乱用の傾向がある) >religion none(ない) >age 26 Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)13:38 No.12384466 >Euthanasia Difficult to say. I fear that if it's allowed, people may feel pressured to do it -- especially if it becomes commercialized like they do in Switzerland. Or if it's -just- "free", perhaps the doctor will push the patient to do it (i.e. hint that they will not survive, and that someone else should have their hospital bed). Perhaps the patient will just do it because he or she feels a burdon to his or hers family. I dunno. On the other hand, I feel that if someone truely wants to do it, they should be allowed to do so. Seems impossible to make any of this in practise. I like the way it's today, I guess. If the patient truely suffers from incurable pain, he or she will in some way let the doctor know this, and the doc will give the patient enough morphine to let he or she not suffer. Even if it includes dying. It's hard to justify a patient's suffering just for morality's reason; I just want the patient to feel free, and not feel pressured to do something he or she doesn't wish for. >religion Raised Russian Orthodox, but I suppose I'm Agnostic. >age 18 Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)13:44 No.12384669 >Euthanasia It should be legal.(合法になるべきだね) >religion Formerly Protestant, now agnostic because most atheists sound like pic related.(前はプロテスタント。無神論者は絵に関係してるみたいに聞こえるし”atheissをアーティストにかけたギャグ?"、今は不可知論者。 >age 20. Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)13:55 No.12384999 people who commit suicide go to hell(自殺するやつは地獄へ落ちる) Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)13:57 No.12385061 >Euthanasia It should be legal(合法になるべき) >Religion the one that believes that every energy is connected and we're all energy in constant movement, put the name you want, buddhism, hinduism, trascendentalism, whatever(全てのエネルギーは繋がってると信じてる者、そして僕たちは普遍の運動の中のあらゆるエネルギーだ。仏教でも、ヒンドゥー教でも、trascendentalismでも、何でも好きな名前を当てはめてごらん) >Age 23 Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)14:06 No.12385341 Euthanasia should be used as a means of comfort for someone truly unable to get better or who do not want to, like a very very old cancer patient or something else that is terminal.(安楽死は改善が見込めない人か、治療を望まない高齢のがん患者とか末期の人などの手段として使われるべき) It should not be taken lightly, but it should not be banned outright.(軽々しく用いられてはいけないが、しかし禁止されてもいけない) >Religion: Former Roman Catholic(元ローマカトリック) >Age: 21
4chanのintにスレ立てて安楽死について聞いた。 ログが消えるということを知らなかったため国名について最初の数レスしかメモしてなかった。でもエストニア、アメリカ、ロシアの人はいたと思う。 関係なさげなレスは削ってここに記録。訳は非常に怪しいので気をつけて。 Euthanasia T 07/01/13(Mon)12:55 No.12383099 How do you think of euthanasia? If possible please add some info like your religion or age. (安楽死についてどう思ってる? できたら宗教とか年齢も一緒に) Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)12:57 No.12383159 スペイン >Euthanasia I am Ok with it.(いいと思う) >Religion Atheist(無神論者) >Age 22 Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)12:59 No.12383236 メキシコ >Euthanasia Sure why not?(そりゃもちろん) >Religion Atheist(無神論者) >Age 22 Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)12:59 No.12383248 アルゼンチン 1. It's bad(悪いことだよ) 2. Jewish(ユダヤ教) 3. 21 feel all night , feel all day 07/01/13(Mon)13:01 No.12383315 インド >euthanasia ok but must stop bored youth who do not deserve it from suiciding(いいと思うけど、人生にうんざりした若者の自殺は止めないとね) >religion dont care(ないよ) >age something Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)13:06 No.12383445 イギリス >euthanasia Ok with it if it's reserved for the elderly, the infirm, those in intense suffering and with no way of going back to even a semblance of whatever life was like prior their incident, to go out with dignity instead of hooked up to life support for the sake of keeping them alive.(年配者、老齢で虚弱な人、激しく苦しんでいる人、そして以前の彼らの出来事であったような人生の外観、徒らに生命維持装置に繋がれる代わりに、尊厳を持って外出することにさえ戻る方法がない人のためならあっていいと思う) Otherwise not for the regular joe to just wander in and say 'kill me'. Many people go through tumultuous times in their lives, depression, feelings of suicide but these things for a lot of people do tend to be transient and if they decide to live longer they might just make it out (of course I'm restricting this to spoilt first world brats and the like). It's better not to make something that would be so regretful open to people not in a proper state of mind who haven't sought guidance or counsel. Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)13:16 No.12383720 It's a humane thing to do when all else fail.(”安楽死以外の”他の全部が失敗した人にとって思いやりがあることだ) Catholic(カトリック) 20 Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)13:17 No.12383752 >Euthanasia Good shit. Everyone should be allowed to die when they please, and go with some comfort and dignity.(良いことだよ。みんなそれぞれが望むときに死ぬのを許されるべきなんだ。そして慰めと尊厳を持って行く) >Religion No religion, no superstition(宗教も俗信もない) >Age 26 Too many people in the world anyway. Let your average loser end it, I don't care. Seriously, human life is worth less as we become more numerous.(なんにせよ世界には人が多すぎる。普通の敗者には"人生を"終わらせてやろうよ。俺は気にしないよ。本気で、こんだけたくさんいたら人間の命なんて価値ないよ) Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)13:20 No.12383847 >euthanasia slippery slopes everywhere... nothing good can come out of it because the people who are agonizing have the opportunity of suicide, so they don't really need it, and the people who are in a permacoma or something similar can't tell the difference anyway so why bother with them... it's difficult... and prone to abuse(至るところに滑りやすい斜面”論理問題の名前?”……良いものはそれから出てこない。だって苦しんでいる人々には自殺する機会があるから、彼らは本当には安楽死を必要としていない。そしてpermacoma”寝たきり?”だったり、なんにせよ違いを伝えることの出来ないそういう状態が苦しむ理由になる人。それは難しいね……乱用の傾向がある) >religion none(ない) >age 26 Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)13:38 No.12384466 >Euthanasia Difficult to say. I fear that if it's allowed, people may feel pressured to do it -- especially if it becomes commercialized like they do in Switzerland. Or if it's -just- "free", perhaps the doctor will push the patient to do it (i.e. hint that they will not survive, and that someone else should have their hospital bed). Perhaps the patient will just do it because he or she feels a burdon to his or hers family. I dunno.(言うのが難しいね。もし合法になったら怖いかな。人々はそれをするプレッシャーを感じるかも知れない――特にスイスみたいに営利化されたら。それか、もし無料だったら、多分医者は患者に強く勧めるだろう。”言い換えれば患者に生きることができない、他の誰かがそのベッドを使うべきだと仄めかす” 多分その患者はそうするだろう、だって彼か彼女は家族への負担を感じてるだろうから。まあ、わかんないや) On the other hand, I feel that if someone truely wants to do it, they should be allowed to do so. Seems impossible to make any of this in practise. I like the way it's today, I guess. If the patient truely suffers from incurable pain, he or she will in some way let the doctor know this, and the doc will give the patient enough morphine to let he or she not suffer. Even if it includes dying. It's hard to justify a patient's suffering just for morality's reason; I just want the patient to feel free, and not feel pressured to do something he or she doesn't wish for.(これに反して、 >religion Raised Russian Orthodox, but I suppose I'm Agnostic. >age 18 Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)13:44 No.12384669 >Euthanasia It should be legal.(合法になるべきだね) >religion Formerly Protestant, now agnostic because most atheists sound like pic related.(前はプロテスタント。無神論者は絵に関係してるみたいに聞こえるし”atheissをアーティストにかけたギャグ?"、今は不可知論者。 >age 20. Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)13:55 No.12384999 people who commit suicide go to hell(自殺するやつは地獄へ落ちる) Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)13:57 No.12385061 >Euthanasia It should be legal(合法になるべき) >Religion the one that believes that every energy is connected and we're all energy in constant movement, put the name you want, buddhism, hinduism, trascendentalism, whatever(全てのエネルギーは繋がってると信じてる者、そして僕たちは普遍の運動の中のあらゆるエネルギーだ。仏教でも、ヒンドゥー教でも、trascendentalismでも、何でも好きな名前を当てはめてごらん) >Age 23 Anonymous 07/01/13(Mon)14:06 No.12385341 Euthanasia should be used as a means of comfort for someone truly unable to get better or who do not want to, like a very very old cancer patient or something else that is terminal.(安楽死は改善が見込めない人か、治療を望まない高齢のがん患者とか末期の人などの手段として使われるべき) It should not be taken lightly, but it should not be banned outright.(軽々しく用いられてはいけないが、しかし禁止されてもいけない) >Religion: Former Roman Catholic(元ローマカトリック) >Age: 21




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